Sunday 30 June 2013

3rd Semester!!

:) :D :P ;) ;D ;P

It's been a month since my third semester and so far it's been pretty uneventful. (Well, if you don't count the Karyaone day; it was cool. I guess.)

In this semester, what I've found out is that two courses would require me to do a pitching. I'm already dreading that day. .


Well, I don't exactly have any idea to pitch and I'm in no mode to think of one. This is really bad. Oh, and in Creative and Critical Thinking course, we'll have a showcase! Yay!

I'm not really looking forward to it but if I'm in the right group (or with the people who aren't too ambitious) then maybe I'll really enjoy this course..

Oh, NO!!!!!

I lost my writing mode too early!!


This may be short but at least I updated my blog, right?
Anyway, since I don't know when will I be in a writing mode again or have something interesting to tell, then don't really hope for an update so fast.
I guess I have to stop here now.

So, All The Best and. ..

Roger and Out. .


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