Tuesday 11 February 2020

Restarting My Life

Hey Hoomans!! 🤗🤗

Did you notice? Look closely. Still can't see it? 👀👀

I'll tell you what it is. Another gap! 🤣🤣

But what can I do about it? I can only do so much in a day and I've put myself in a position that makes making time for me impossible.

Why do I torture myself like this?

Anyways, I don't really have anything to say or anything to tell you guys. I just wanted to write something even if it's short.

Maybe next post will have more content in it.

Sorry if this disappointed you. Well, not much for me to say here. Good day/night Hoomans. 😘😘

CK Salma

Wednesday 20 November 2019

How do I do this?

Hello Hoomans!

Another big gap in these posts updates!

At least it hasn't been a year since I last wrote something. I really think that I've lost my passion in writing but every time I start writing posts like this, it just comes naturally for me. I can just type anything and I always end up with a decent length post.

What does this prove? Maybe I can still write and I still have at least a little bit of passion in writing but that doesn't mean I can write whatever whenever. I've been trying to continue writing a story I was working on for a while now but I just can't seem to write anything.

I always just stare at the blank page and the story plays out in my head. I can't put them into words, I guess. But, I can do this -writing this blog. Maybe it's because it's my own thoughts. There's nothing fiction in what I'm writing. I don't lie about my life. I just don't give much away, of course.

I have seriously been thinking a lot about what I'm doing with my life. Especially now that I have just recently finished another job in the film industry. I can't keep working like this and think that it will be fine. I will get more jobs after this.

The fact is that I know it's a long shot. I might not get involved in this industry in a while starting now. It's not just because I'm suuuupperrrr tired from my last job, it's because I have only been working under one person this whole time.

No one else is offering me jobs and I know that ain't happening anytime soon. Which is why I'm here again today to vent basically. 😝

I don't have the motivation to do anything anymore. Everything that I've been doing these past few years are just to be able to support my family and I mean reaalllyy support the whole family. I really wish I could start doing something that I actually like doing again. That thing is writing.

I think for now this is all I can do. I want to be creative in my writing but after learning a lot about creative writing it made me think a lot and overthink things to a point I just put down my pen/pencil and stop writing.

I really miss those days when I write from the heart and nothing else matters. I would just write and write until I finish a chapter and be satisfied with it even with grammatical errors (a lot of it in those days) and feel like I've accomplished something.

Yes, learning about writing made me more aware of the things I need to consider. It also makes me want to write something that isn't just a mere writing but a form of art. It made me feel inspired and it filled me with so much to look forward to when I'm writing.

But that also made me disappointed when I can achieve all these things. When I realize that I need to put a lot of thought into it to make what I'm writing make sense in a fictional way. Sometimes it doesn't have to be fictional. It can be real. But I couldn't see past all these things and just write.

For now, this is all I can do. This post is as real as it gets. These are my raw thoughts without filters, without edits, without rewrites. This is real.

CK Salma

Saturday 21 May 2016

Hey, peeps!!

I haven't written an entry for my blog in a long time. Today's entry is different from my other entries.

My brother wrote a short poem and I thought it has an awesome meaning to it. Also, inspiring in its own way.

So, as a request from him, I'll be posting his short poem around to see its feedback.

Hope you enjoy my brother's poem!

Title: Because I Can Never Be

I can never be what I want to be,
Because I can be what you wanted me to be,
I can never be what they hope me to be,
Because I can be what I dream to be.

Credit to: Sunny the Snail

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Important Announcement!!!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

It's been a while. I've been busy with final exams and finishing up my assignments but it's over now.

Also, my adventure series I talked about on my last post is currently in Chapter 4 and my short story might be done by next month if I get to work on it more often.

I've been in a constant reading mode for the past few weeks and I can proudly say that I have read and finished tons of books on the website Wattpad.

You still remember that site, right?

Just so you know the annual watty awards on that site has started since June and I was thinking of entering using my adventure series.

I'm still not sure because the terms are that I need to have at least 3 chapters written and updated in 2015. That's the exact amount of chapters I have right now.

The deadline is August 31st. So, we'll see what happens. I'm still working on the fourth chapter right now.

I better get back to it. But first, I need some rest. I just washed my bathroom and I was suffocated in there with the smell of bleach.

I might throw up but I'm too tired to find out what I will do.

So, All The Best and...

Roger and Out.


Monday 25 May 2015

A Short Story and An Adventure Series

How's it going peeps?!

Okay, straight to the point. My short story is kind of half-way done and there's a new story I've been working on.

I left it for a while and recently I've been able to continue writing it. I'm on chapter 2 now.

I can give you guys a preview but decide to just give you a brief synopsis of the story.

The story is about a girl who finds herself able to travel through different dimensions and was gifted with the four elements power.

No, she's not the avatar.

Anyway, at first it was confusing but then as her adventures starts to get serious, that's when she finally learns the truth about herself.

This story might end up with a few books but every book will be like a mini novel.

I don't plan on showing you the first chapter yet because I want to have at least half of the story done first.

Anyway, for my short story, it's kind of a love story. So, yeah, don't worry, it's not too cliché of a love story.

I guess that's it. At least I gave you an update. So.....

All The Best and...

Roger and Out...


Sunday 17 May 2015

Graduation / Convocation Day In The Rain


Exactly what the title said!

It was raining!!!!!! Currently my favourite weather somehow....


I am now officially graduated from UiTM. Though I'm technically still here pursuing my Degree. I only just recently graduated from Diploma in Creative Writing.

Best part of the day?

Just simply being there, seeing old friends -though their not so old-, having both my parents with me and most of all, knowing that my accomplishment is the work of Allah.

I wouldn't have been able to do anything without His guidance, literally.

There were times when I just want to give up, when I want nothing to do with any of this but I was constantly reminded of my parents, their sacrifices for me, all the hardwork they've gone through to get me to where I am now.

He is the only One able to remind me of all of this and with that in mind, I finished my Diploma and I was able to make my parents proud of me, happy for me.

Happiest day of my life?


On the side note, be sure to stay tuned for a short story I'm currently writing. Don't worry, this one will definitely be finished within a few more months. I would say within this month but then I'd be lying. :-P

The story is already almost halfway through. So, hopefully by next month it would be completed.

Anyways, time to talk in codes so that only I could understand this.

Saw people, too much pressure, thought it'd be normal but it was abnormal. Cannot look at the sky, the universe made me question whether it hates me or not. Dun, dun dun. I remember again, cannot stop thinking. Hope it will fade again. Until then.

So, All The Best And...

Roger and Out...
